Esercizi sul past continuous con soluzioni

esercizi past continuous

1. Anna (sleep) at two o'clock.
  • was sleeping
  • were sleeping
  • is sleeping
2. They (play) at five o'clock.
  • was playing
  • were playing
  • are playing
3. scegli la risposta corretta.
  • Luca was sleeping in the couch?
  • Were Luca sleeping in the couch?
  • Was Luca sleeping in the couch?
4. Scegli la frase corretta.
  • I wasn't thinking to buy a new car.
  • I was'nt thinking to buy a new car.
  • I weren't thinking to buy a new car.
5. Was Luca sleeping in the couch?
  • Yes, he did.
  • Yes, he were.
  • Yes, he was.
6. scegli la risposta corretta.
  • Luca was reading a book while his sister was having a shower.
  • Luca read a book while his sister was having a shower.
  • Luca was reading a book while his sister had a shower.
7. scegli la frase corretta.
  • My phone were ringing when I was cooking the meal.
  • My phone was ringin when I was cooking the meal.
  • My phone rang when I was cooking the meal.
8. scegli la frase corretta.
  • Sarah played basketball yesterday.
  • Sarah was playing basketball yesterday.
  • Sarah were playing basketball yesterday.

Punteggio =

Risposte corrette:

  • esercizi di inglese
  • esercizi present simple e present continuous
  • past continuous
  • differenze tra past simple e past continuous
  • past perfect
  • esercizi present perfect continuous
  • esercizi past simple
  • esercizi present simple
  • esercizi sul futuro in inglese
  • esercizi present perfect
  • esercizi past perfect continuous
  • esercizi present continuous
  • esercizi di inglese A1
  • esercizi di inglese A2
  • esercizi di inglese B1
  • esercizi di inglese B2
  • esercizi di inglese C1